Easter festival gets Port Alfred buzzing

Port Alfred surfer Carl Wiersma was one of the most outstanding surfers for his win in the U14 boys’ division of the Rip Curl Gromsearch
SURF’S UP: Port Alfred surfer Carl Wiersma was one of the most outstanding surfers for his win in the U14 boys’ division of the Rip Curl Gromsearch

Port Alfred was abuzz with activity at the weekend as people enjoyed a host of activities at the town’s Easter festival.

While participants were bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the Rip Curl GromSearch, some parents were less enthusiastic after the massive Bands At The Beach music festival the night before.

The Rip Curl GromSearch and the Rip Curl Cup are the anchor events of the Port Alfred Easter Festival, presented by Sunshine Coast Tourism.

Both competitions are Surfing South Africa events and they played out in contestable two- to three-foot conditions, with some of the best junior surfers in the U12, U14, U16 and U18 categories going head to head.

Anastacia Venter claimed top honours in the U18 girls’ category of the Rip Curl Gromsearch at the weekend
WINNING WAYS: Anastacia Venter claimed top honours in the U18 girls’ category of the Rip Curl Gromsearch at the weekend

Local surfer Carl Wiersma was one of the most outstanding surfers of the day for his win in the U14 boys’ division, beating some of the top U14 surfers in the country.

“It was tricky out there, and we couldn’t hear much due to the onshore wind,” Wiersma said.

“I wasn’t sure I had it, but I was so stoked when I heard I had the score and the win.

“The Rip Curl GromSearch in Port Alfred is by far the best surf contest of the year, and it’s right on my doorstep in a wave that I know so well, and my parents don’t have to drive anywhere.”

The competition was preceded by The Bands At The Beach Music Festival on Guido’s car park stage.

The festival saw some of SA’s top talent take to the stage, including Arno Carstens, Wonderboom and December Streets.

Despite the wind, the SA Bodyboarding Challenge, presented by the Royal St Andrews Hotel, also took place at West Beach in fun conditions.

The Sunshine Coast Open Pairs Bowls Tournament and the Sunshine Coast Open Tennis Tournament also took place at the weekend.



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