How it works

How it works:

Oelofse and her team will deliver plastic bottles and special caps to mothers who are willing to donate their breastmilk.

A clothes iron is used to seal the cap to the bottle and the donor then writes the date on top of the cap.

Milk is collected by the bank’s drivers on Wednesdays.

The milk is kept in a freezer until needed.

"It can remain there for six months,” Oelofse said.

Then the milk is pasteurised and freezed again.

"Pasteurisations kills any virusses including the HI-virus,” Oelofse said.

She explained that the Breast Milk Reserve Bank would receive and order and they would then get the bottles of milk ready for the drivers.

Who may donate breast milk?

Breast Milk Reserve Bank manager Anne-Marie Oelofse explains:

"Once a donor contacts us we do a health screening.

"Smokers are excluded from donating breast milk.

"We also make sure that our donors have a fairly healthy lifestyle and they must be HIV-negative,” she said.

If you want to donate you can call Anne-Marie on +27 (041) 9959239.
