No party poopers, only party poppers!

If you are looking to spice up a celebration without breaking the bank, this party popper might be the perfect solution. It is made from scraps you can find lying around the house but looks pretty impressive.

What you need:

Cardboard tube (toilet paper rolls will work just fine)

Scrapbook or wrapping paper

Glue stick

Sticky tape


What you do:

Cut paper to fit the roll, overlapping for glue purposes (it doesn’t have to fit lengthwise);

Glue down;

Cut top of balloon;

Fit balloon onto the paper roll;

Tape down;

Tie bottom of balloon;

Fill with glitter/confetti/anything you want to shoot into the air (within reason, people!).

All done!

How it works:

Pull on knotted end of balloon;

Point in direction you want confetti to fly;

Release knot.

Check out this insta video for step-by-step how-to:
