Bay residents urged to not use water

The Nelson Mandela Bay municipality has sent out an urgent plea to residents not to use water over the next 24 hours, unless for drinking, cooking or medical purposes.

This, as a result of the recent fires that occurred between Van Stadens and Loerie damaging the electrical supply to the Loerie water treatment works, resulting in 50 megalitres of the usual 250ML being unavailable.

Municipal water and sanitation director  Barry Martin said it is anticipated that by late afternoon the electricity supply will be re-established, but warned this would not mean water would be immediately available.

“It will take at least five hours for water pressure to come back to normal but could take up to 24 hours in certain areas. During this time 14 water trucks will be roaming the affected areas to provide relief,” Martin said.

The affected areas include: Kwanobuhle, Rowallan Park, Kabega, Westring, Cotswold, Sunridge Park, Framesby, Fernglen, Linton Grange, Gelvandale Baywest Area, Reservior Hills, Khayamnandi and van Stadens Gorge area.
