WATCH | LOL! Pearl Thusi schools her fans on 'groove etiquette'

“Did this girl not vomit into the bucket? I had a very traumatic weekend actually. I'm bringing security next time,” Pearl said.

Pearl Thusi goes on a rant after a 'traumatic' weekend experience at the club.
Pearl Thusi goes on a rant after a 'traumatic' weekend experience at the club.

Pearl Thusi has shared a public service announcement after a lit but “traumatic” weekend experience at the club. 

Taking to Instagram live on Tuesday, Pearl went on a rant recalling having a bad experience with girls inviting themselves to her table and acting ill-mannered, saying she is considering bringing security along with her to the clubs to avoid it from happening again.

“I'm just telling the world, don't you ever bring your b*tches to my table, unless I know you like that ... drinking my shit ... Did this girl not vomit into the bucket? I had a very traumatic weekend actually ... I'm bringing security next time,” she said.

Here are the tips the actress shared with her fans:

Don't touch Pearl's hubbly unless you know her:

“If you see Pearl Thusi with a hubbly look the other direction ... if you haven't seen me naked, don't ask for my damn hubbly. I want to smoke my hubbly in peace ... I'm not your friend, go away! This happened on Sunday, it happened on Saturday and it happened on Friday ... on a very serious note guys, apart from the fact that there's a pandemic, we should not be sharing hubblies or anything else that touches your mouth for that matter.”

Stop taking videos of her hubbly:

“Don't take videos of my damn hubbly! N*gga's stop hogging the hubbly, stop sharing hubbly with girls. And if you have to take a video ... do that with your own hubbly, seriously. Order your own hubbly, we're in a pandemic ... or at least leave my hubbly alone. I'm a possessive b*tch ... I don't want to share.”

Buy your own alcohol:

“If I don't know you, my alcohol and you must not meet not unless I said so. I don't do that with other people as well. I'm always happy to share alcohol but don't be in my section ... I don't want to be crowded, I actually love the space. I've been social distancing at the club ... if you invite yourself, why must I deal with you and your ten thousand friends?”

