Teen in revenge porn scandal

Girl tells of how ex-boyfriend sold nude photos of her

A boy has become the youngest person in Britain convicted of “revenge porn” after selling nude photos of his ex-girlfriend for £10 (R174) while aged 14.

Child safety groups have called for more sex education after the teenager, now 16, used Facebook to sell images of the 15-year-old girl.

He had 170 indecent images of the victim and was preparing to distribute a lot more than the two he was convicted of before he was caught, a court heard.

Following the case, youngsters have been warned that such behaviour was not banter, but a serious criminal offence.

The youth court in Plymouth, Devon, heard the victim had sent her boyfriend photographs of herself during their relationship.

After they had broken up, she told police she had seen a Facebook message between two accused where photos of her had been sold.

- The Telegraph 

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