Man found with human body parts in freezer stabs himself

A man believed to have murdered and stored the victims' body parts in his fridge is in hospital after stabbing himself.
A man believed to have murdered and stored the victims' body parts in his fridge is in hospital after stabbing himself.
Image:ír Chalabala

A Johannesburg man  found with human body parts in his fridge is in hospital under the watchful eye of police after stabbing himself. 

Police spokesperson Brig Brenda Muridili said the 24-year-old will appear in court once he is fit and able to. 

The man was arrested on Saturday after his partner discovered human body parts in his fridge in Protea Glen in Soweto while he was shopping. 

The body parts will be sent to the forensic science laboratory for identification.

Muridili did not respond to speculation that it may be a muti killing saying: “We cannot speculate, investigation will reveal the motive”.

