SNAPS | Zakes, Nomcebo and Wouter receive warm welcome after Grammy win

Zakes Bantwini, Wouter Kellerman and Nomcebo Zikode with fans at OR Tambo International Airport.
Zakes Bantwini, Wouter Kellerman and Nomcebo Zikode with fans at OR Tambo International Airport.
Image: Lefty Shivambu

Zakes Bantwini, Wouter Kellerman and Nomcebo Zikode's welcoming ceremony at Johannesburg's OR Tambo International Airport was a star-studded affair at which many sang their praises. 

The musicians received the Best Global Music Performance Award at the 65th annual Grammy Awards in Los Angeles, California, on Monday for their song Bayethe

Upon arrival back in the country, minister of sport, arts and culture Nathi Mthethwa received them at the arrival gates and escorted them through a cheering crowd.

“Congratulations for what you did for your country, lifting your country up there,” Mthethwa said.

Minister Nathi Mthethwa welcomes Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini and Nomcebo Zikode at the OR Tambo International Airport.
Minister Nathi Mthethwa welcomes Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini and Nomcebo Zikode at the OR Tambo International Airport.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi

Taking to the podium, Zakes asked the minister to address the concerns of this country's artists.

“We are trusting you, minister, we are trusting our politicians, we are trusting our business people and the media ... to [provide] this country with opportunities,” he said. 

Flautist Wouter, who already has Grammy under his belt, said he was excited to have this accolade, one that hailed South African artists.

“Thanks for welcoming us in such a beautiful way today. South Africa has such incredible richness in music and culture. I took it for granted when I growing up and only when I started travelling did I realise that this is not the case everywhere else in the world. Since then it's been my mission to export South African music and culture to the world. So this today, to win a Grammy for an all-South African song, is just an exquisitely beautiful moment for me personally.”

Nomcebo said as musicians they had done their part to inspire aspiring artists in South Africa to know the ball is in their court.

“What we've done is shown a young girl or boy that it is possible ... never give up on your talent. It is important for you to have a dream and whenever you have a dream you have to put action to it ... make sure you dream big. It has happened to the three of us, why not you?” she said. 

Veteran musician PJ Powers and Springbok captain Siya Kolisi and his wife Rachel were spotted arriving at the airport during the event and took time to celebrate with the crowd.

See the images below:

Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini and Nomcebo Zikode.
Wouter Kellerman, Zakes Bantwini and Nomcebo Zikode.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi
Nomcebo Zikode arrives at OR Tambo International Airport.
Nomcebo Zikode arrives at OR Tambo International Airport.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi
PJ Powers at OR Tambo International Airport.
PJ Powers at OR Tambo International Airport.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi
Siya Kolisi (right) and his wife Rachel Kolisi (left) share a light moment with singer Nandi Madida at OR Tambo International Airport.
Siya Kolisi (right) and his wife Rachel Kolisi (left) share a light moment with singer Nandi Madida at OR Tambo International Airport.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi
Siya Kolisi and his wife Rachel at OR Tambo International Airport.
Siya Kolisi and his wife Rachel at OR Tambo International Airport.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi
Fans welcome the award-winning musicians at OR Tambo International Airport.
Fans welcome the award-winning musicians at OR Tambo International Airport.
Image: Thapelo Morebudi


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