Jonathan Jansen is an internationally renowned expert in education, who in 2009 became the first black rector and vice-chancellor of the University of the Free State. He is a regular newspaper contributor, known for his views on transformation, peaceful reconciliation and unity.

Poverty and privilege demand rethink of parents’ roles in schools


It is an article of faith in education circles that parents have a crucial role to play in education.

New education minister needs to go back to basics to fix problems


Minister Siviwe Gwarube’s basic education budget vote speech for the 2024/5 fiscal year was understandably bland and ...

Storms highlight inequality as rain-soaked pupils sit shivering in class


On Tuesday as my car snaked through the pounding rain at 6.30am to the school where I work in the mornings, I saw the ...

Doubtful new cabinet has the skills and capabilities to deliver on its mandate


If you want to know how a sausage is made, as the saying goes, don’t ask.

Multiple moments create a glimmer of hope for SA


One of the most fascinating observations about the proposed Government of National Unity (the concept itself is being ...

Let’s hope the two dominant parties transform themselves


I still do not think the SA populace fully grasps the momentous occasion of the recent elections.

Bad news on the education front


Whatever your fever dreams might be about the allocation of ministerial portfolios, education will remain firmly in the ...

How about a Government of National Get-Things-Done?


The Patriotic Alliance wants home affairs and the EFF wants finance. I told you so.

Brace yourself for more of the same — or worse


By the time you read this column, the elections will be over, the ruling party will be scrambling to secure a coalition ...

The most powerful form of discipline is love


Mondays I found are the toughest days for teaching high school children from challenging communities.