Ramaphosa sends condolences to Mozambique after deadly boat disaster

President Cyril Ramaphosa has sent his condolences to the people of Mozambique following a boating disaster that claimed the lives of almost 100 people.
President Cyril Ramaphosa has sent his condolences to the people of Mozambique following a boating disaster that claimed the lives of almost 100 people.
Image: Esa Alexander

President Cyril Ramaphosa on Monday conveyed his condolences to the government and people of Mozambique after a disaster at sea in which nearly 100 people are believed to have drowned. 

The death toll, according to Ramaphosa's office, stands at 97. 

“A small number of people were rescued in the incident which took place near Lunga in Nampula Province on Sunday,” said the presidency. 

“As neighbours, we are deeply saddened by this tragedy and we wish authorities and citizens well in the recovery effort and the search for missing people,” said Ramaphosa. 

“We also pray for a speedy recovery for survivors of this incident.”

The BBC quoted Nampula secretary of state Jaime Neto as saying the boat occupants were fleeing after disinformation about the ongoing cholera outbreak caused panic.

Many children were among the dead, Neto said.

Initially on Sunday the authorities blamed the shipwreck on overcrowding, but later said it had sunk after taking on water.


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