Jars of fun to cheer up your sick little one

Crafty mom Eleanor Douglas-Meyers' eye-spy bottle keeps her little one busy

A home-made eye-spy bottle keeps little ones occupied
A home-made eye-spy bottle keeps little ones occupied
Image: Eleanor Douglas-Meyers

Keeping sick kids occupied is one of life’s mysteries, along with why a child will eat a leaf before eating your painstakingly prepared organic meal.

One of my favourite gifts to give a sick nephew or niece is a busy bag full of things like play dough, activity sheets and this easy-to-make eye-spy bottle.

It is a transparent bottle filled with uncooked rice (lentils would work just as well) with bits and pieces floating around. You supply a picture of all the things to find and the child then shakes it to find a specific item.

What to do:
Find a plastic bottle or jar suitable for little hands;

  • Collect little bits and pieces from around the house – think buttons, pendants and trinkets from chocolate eggs;
  • Get rice/lentils and a funnel;
  • Take a picture of the little items you will put in the bottle and print it out (mine are random but you can go for a theme);
  • Also, if your child can read you can write what they need to find instead of taking a picture;
  • Add rice and your bits and pieces to the bottle, I did mine: rice, items, rice, items for better distribution;
  • Do not fill the bottle to the top as you need some shaking room;
  • Glue the lid on to prevent a mess;
  • Then stick the picture on using contact plastic (wow, I love that stuff!).

You can use a whiteboard crayon or marker to mark off the items that have been found.

That’s it, a simple little gift to keep little ones busy when running around is not an option.
