Assassination attempt on Sars advocate must concern all


Last Thursday, Coreth Naudé, a senior advocate acting for the SA Revenue Service (Sars) in a tax inquiry involving ...

Age takes its toll, even on the highest achievers


Last Friday evening, I sat at a bar in the Hannover city centre in Germany. There, in the company of drunk and loud ...

Poll on DA MP Renaldo Gouws tells a story


On June 18 HeraldLIVE published an article titled “POLL: Should DA MP Renaldo Gouws be removed from parliament?”

Building resilient cities should be a priority for all of us


A few days ago, the Eastern Cape was hit by devastating floods that have so far claimed the lives of more than 10 ...

The youth’s struggle must start with voting


On Wednesday, millions of South Africans will be heading to the polls to cast their votes for a government of their ...

More stakeholders must be brought in to fight gang-related crimes


On Monday, The Herald published an article by reporter Brandon Nel, titled “Gang unit members suffer emotional trauma ...

Bulletproof parks for children a terrifying alternative


A week ago, while catching up on news in SA from South America, where I am on vacation, I read something that shocked ...

Poverty and apartheid not enough to explain crime


Two weeks ago, I left SA for a month-long vacation across Latin America.

Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o — a symbol of many abusive powerful men


A week ago, social media exploded when news emerged that renowned Kenyan author, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, had allegedly ...

Mpho Phalatse a shining example of the power of education


A few days ago, the former executive mayor of the City of Johannesburg, Dr Mpho Phalatse, posted on her X (formerly ...