

The Herald 2024 Youth Day Supplement

Scholars Encouraged to Showcase Talents in The Herald Youth Day Competition

Calling all scholars and budding artists! The Herald proudly announces the launch of its annual Youth Day art and writing competition, inviting students and scholars to share their stories and artistic creations with the world.

The competition aims to provide a platform for young voices to be heard, with a focus on artwork and writing produced "by the youth, for the youth".

Participants are encouraged to delve into a variety of topics, including the challenges faced by today's youth such as peer pressure, social media influences, negative stereotyping, and issues surrounding drugs and alcohol abuse.

Moreover, submissions can explore themes like career aspirations and the socio-economic factors influencing career decisions, as well as pressing issues like crime, unemployment, poverty, and environmental impacts.

For those who prefer to express themselves through prose or poetry, there's ample opportunity to submit creative writing pieces.

Submissions must adhere to specific guidelines, with articles required to be between 400 and 1000 words in length, while creative writing and poetry should refrain from foul language, derogatory statements, or misleading statistics.

To participate, scholars need to include their name, surname, school or institution, age, and grade when submitting their entries. The deadline for submissions is set for June 2, 2024, with entries accepted via email at

Excitingly, winning entries will not only receive recognition but will also be featured in The Herald's upcoming Youth Day supplement, scheduled for publication on June 14. This offers a fantastic opportunity for young talents to showcase their work and inspire others with their creativity and insight.



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