WATCH | How to update your details on HeraldLIVE

To update your details on HeraldLIVE, follow the steps below:

  1. Visit
  2. Log in or click on your name, in the top right corner, to access your HeraldLIVE profile
    1. To select a different subscription offer, select the “Subscription” tabs.
    2. To update your account details, which include your name, surname, contact number and address, and to change your password, select the “Account Details” tab.
    3. To unsubscribe or subscribe to the HeraldLIVE newsletters, which include Morning, Breaking News, Sport, AgriLIVE and promotions, select the “Newsletter” tab.
  3. Save your changes with your updated details before you close the webpage.
  4. You can go back at any time to update your details.

For any queries, please contact our subscription team. 
