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Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo
Image: Alon Skuy
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Everything and everyone is created for a purpose and each one’s purpose serves to create the whole of the picture.

In God’s infinite wisdom, this is the way that life in general and every social structure is created.

If we were to take a bicycle, for example, forward movement is only produced when the rider peddles the bicycle.

Although the two are separate entities, in order for its purpose to be fulfilled, the rider must get on the bicycle and do the peddling.

If riders simply decide to not peddle, then they in fact abdicate their responsibilities and their mandate is not discharged.

Now, while this is a simple example, it is an illustration of exactly what happens in our lives and in society when we do not live out our purpose or where we fail to serve in the positions to which we’ve been appointed, and in the manner that we should.

It is a natural principle that where purpose is denied, nature becomes violent.

The very thing that was designed as provision becomes the poison.

Every position that one gets appointed to has a set of inputs that dictate the outcome.

These may be set out in the job description of a work appointment, for example.

The reason for these guidelines is to help you achieve the purpose of the appointment.

We complain daily about the service at government institutions because the people appointed to serve are not fulfilling their mandate and as a result the purpose of the institution is not served.

This is a pertinent example in light of all that has been making headlines in the news lately. State capture happens when people we have elected and appointed to serve the needs of the people abdicate that purpose and become self-serving.

The entire system fails because of individuals who do not play their part.

To bring this closer to home, you need only have a listen at how we talk about “kids of today”.

We complain about the kids’ behaviour but it begs the question, “where were the parents?”

If we as parents leave the responsibility of instilling Godly principles and values in our kids, we cannot then blame the kids for how they turn out.

Our society is shaped by each person’s behaviour.

Preacher Myles Munroe once said that when purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.

If we are to address the social ills plaguing our society, we need to examine ourselves and revisit the purpose and reasons for every position we are appointed to, in our individual capacity.

Our challenge, however, is the tendency to do away with the whole before we interrogate the parts and fix the parts that are not working.

The church has of late been ridiculed and salvation rejected because of the behaviour of individuals who have used their position of authority to abuse and mishandle their charges.

Many self-styled shepherds of today are merely there for the shine and not to shepherd their sheep.

They have forgotten that their appointment is for ministry and not for fame.

But, just because the message has been diluted, does not mean that the purpose was never divine.

When marriages fail, it is not because the institution is without purpose or any less divine but rather because of the two individuals within that particular union.

This pattern of rejecting the whole is tantamount to throwing the baby out with the bath water.

Being constantly mindful of the purpose of everything we do, every space we find ourselves in, every position we are appointed to keeps us in check – it makes the country, society and our families function – and yields the product that they were designed to produce.

● Pastor Lingelihle Jadezweni (senior pastor RUCC PE)

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