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Why, oh why, can we not lift ourselves out of the dust and rise again to be the great nation that we are meant to be?, writes a Herald reader.
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To my beloved children living in our homeland, SA.

As I look over our beloved SA, I weep! A small country in comparison to much larger countries, but one that had the capacity and opportunity to be a great nation.

Why, have you, my children, gone to a “far country”? That place where it seems you have lost all sense of reason, dignity, responsibility and even for some, hope.

From the outset, our land has been equipped with all good things – rich in minerals, wonderful soil so that we could grow our own food, wonderful people, a country made to prosper and be an example to the world.

Somehow, all these incredible possibilities have been lost in the maze of hate, power, greed and corruption.

Why, oh why, can we not lift ourselves out of the dust and rise again to be the great nation that we are meant to be?

This week we remembered and celebrated one of the greatest humanitarians, statesmen and leaders of the century – Nelson Mandela.

What a privilege it is for us that this man of the soil was born to us in this beautiful country.

As we have watched and listened to some of the speeches and videos, our hearts have been strangely warmed and somehow, hope again strangely revived.

As has been said, “his name is Mandela, but we call him Madiba, Tata”, who is for all times one of the fathers of this nation.

One of those gifted visionaries who saw a great rainbow nation, where all would be equal, all would have life in all its fullness, children would not be hungry, all would be educated.

In fact, where all would have a place in the sun and walk freely with each other, into a better tomorrow.

As we think of Madiba, and his time in prison, we are blessed to have his prison letters revealed to us.

Could we not take a lesson out of his incredible book, in that all those years, he did not allow himself any self-pity, any bitterness, any wallowing in his misery, but used it wisely.

Meditated, researched, studied and came out a beautiful gift to the nation – from terrorist to a leader of the people.

So, my sons and daughters, my plea to you and all of us, is that we follow his example. Take time to think, be big enough to admit our mistakes, truly forgive, and then renewed, revived and refreshed, take up once again the way of truth and prosperity, and move forward into the great n at i o n , we are meant to be.

I wait for you to come home, praying that our weeping will indeed be turned into joy, and we can as Madiba’s people, fly our national flag and sing our anthem, with great pride, love and joy.

Granny Sunridge Park

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