AS a loyal and disciplined member of the ANC, my comment goes out to all political affiliates without fear or favour. We must be wary not to lose our values, norms and principles, especially during this election period, by what we say or do!

No amount of justification can or will ever cover up one’s immaturity in insulting people by calling them names (monkeys, baboons, idiots, morons, etc) just because of their political affiliation or ideology. Doing this, you are actually exposing your political immaturity, and lack of respect and tolerance towards others, hence your perceived leadership will never be trusted to be equal, fair and justified in any respect!

Bottom line: debate issues – don’t take the easy way out by running away from the actual topic, hating or insulting others in the hope that these indifferent ones will say and do as you dictate! Dictatorship has never succeeded and it never will.

Respect demands respect! Finish en klaar.

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