SO much is said every day through every news medium on racism. I think none of us are without blame and putting the record straight begins with us.

I go on my knees every day to pray for forgiveness, wisdom and understanding. The sins of my forefathers were committed and I believe if forgiveness is asked for, it is forgiven by God.

I remember years ago our Walmer Methodist Church bussed us to Wolfson Stadium in New Brighton where we had an interfaith multiracial prayer service. We were invited to seek forgiveness one from another.

I had a 90-year-old black man next to me. I took his hands, looked into his eyes and asked his forgiveness.

We ended up sharing tissues to wipe away the tears that so freely flowed. How that touched my heart.

I keep going back to that moment as I have backslidden many times since, allowing my dissatisfaction and inconvenience to cloud my judgment.

I am 63 years old, married, comfortable and white.

We have nowhere to run so make it work we must.

In this world of instant gratification we expect it to work immediately, otherwise we abandon the idea and give up all hope of a solution.

We can do this, I believe, and it will take time, but with proper communication, firm commitment and a will to succeed we can heal our land from the ugly scourge of racism.

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