I’VE lived in Newton Park for more than 30 years and it has never ever looked so dirty.

Do none of the Cape Road shop owners take pride in the pavements? It costs nothing to take a broom once a day and clean the pavements.

There are squatters living outside a church on Cape Road. Their clothes are everywhere, and the pavements are really dirty with half-eaten, rotten, old food, and empty cardboard boxes and plastic bottles.

Don’t South Africans take pride in this country anymore? There are potholes in the roads and the road markings are gone.

Pick up your rubbish and put it in the bin. Throw your filthy cigarette stompies in the bin.

Sis, I’m disgusted to see how dirty Newton Park has become, even more to see squatters lying in the front of a church. Why has Newton Park become so rundown and dirty, and a sad place to live in?

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