THE latest fatal Taliban attack on a school in Pakistan, which killed 132 children, like many other such acts, is unforgivable. There are bound to be many who blame Islam.

Blame the perpetrators. Is the one who blames Islam justified?

Here's a similitude. South Africa is said to have one of the best constitutions. If a group of its citizens continuously commits evil and unconstitutional acts while claiming these are for the betterment of the country, yet they in fact shame or betray this country, would you blame the constitution or agree with their logic?

So what does Islam mean to its followers?

"Islam" means submitting one's will and obeying all the commands of the Almighty Creator, which means worshipping Him at every moment of their lives. Muslims have to submit to Him willingly, constantly, sincerely, and without any willful disobedience.

By submitting thus, a Muslim attains inner peace. So what does this mean in everyday life?

To believe in the One Creator alone, and the books that He sent with His prophets containing these commands and His rights over you – books such as the Zabur (Psalms), Torah, Injeel (Evangel) and the Koran;

To fulfil the rights of your Creator over you. This translates as worshipping Him at every moment of your life;

To fulfil, respect and honour the rights of every other creation before expecting others to fulfil yours;

To enjoin what is right and encourage others to also do so, and to forbid yourself and others from evil;

To be kind, merciful and dutiful to your parents, especially in their old age;

To love your neighbour as you love yourself;

To see to the welfare of your family, your neighbour, the stranger, the traveller who is in need, to feed the needy and hungry, to help the widow and the orphan;

To refrain from killing, stealing, gambling, lying, cheating, promiscuity and using intoxicants such as alcohol and drugs;

To reinforce this self-discipline and submission by performing various ritual acts of worship throughout the day and your life, at times as commanded by the Creator and not how or when you wish;

To know that you will be answerable to your Creator on the day of judgment for every action or omission during your life on this earth.

Therefore, before you blame Islam for what a minority of its misguided followers do, ask yourself what part of Islam are these perpetrators obeying? Do not become a perpetrator of injustice yourself, by perpetrating untruths, sowing mistrust, prejudice and hatred through ignorance.

Ebrahim Mayet, Islam Awareness Centre, Port Elizabeth

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