A LOT of focus has been aimed at the consumer to switch off appliances, etc, so as to save electricity and prevent load-shedding. However, I feel that retailers in the food industry should make a bigger effort in improving their refrigeration machinery and controls thereof.

On numerous times, while shopping, I note that fridge doors are left open by the packers, while they pack, ice-cream freezer sliding doors don't close properly, the use of new freezer displays where the frozen foods are openly displayed, without glass covers, and the frozen air moving constantly over the area, between the warm and icy air (surely this uses up a lot of electricity?), ice- cream freezers are left to freeze over for weeks and some appliances are clearly not working properly as they should (they appear to be old, or in need of repair). All of these elements surely lead to a heavy overload of electricity, putting further pressure on the grid.

More responsibility should be taken by retailers to check at all times that their fridges are performing properly and kept closed.

Cilla, Port Elizabeth

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