I SHARE the same sentiments with comrade Blade Nzimande when he says "opposition parties are dead and good for nothing". It is not because opposition parties are denied grounds to play their immature political games, but it is because their political stadiums are empty.

It started with the PAC in the '60s. Look at the IFP, where is it? It is going underground, dead almost.

In the 2009 elections the ANC was told it would lose many of its votes to COPE. However, it did not even come close to being a threat. COPE, where are they? Dead.

The EFF has not brought any quality debate into parliament. All it knows is hooliganism. It has brought anarchy.

When it comes to debate, it has nothing to offer. It will die a natural death very soon.

The DA has no hope of becoming our next government, even after the 2019 elections. It lacks the new South Africa appeal. It has allowed itself to be led by the EFF in parliament.

Agang's death was not untimely, I saw it coming. It was led by a political dwarf.

My advice to them is to repent, swallow their pride and come home. Our arms as the ANC are wide open.

Thando Adonis, ANC member, East London

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