WITH reference to "Marine Drive 'worse than before repairs'" (June 5), regarding the resurfacing of the roads, it seems nowadays roads are being built with potholes. During heavy rains the manholes overflow like rivers in flood, especially the new areas in Stanford Road.

The road surface is so uneven that I'm surprised to read that there are inspectors and project managers to monitor workmanship. When it comes to road markings you need a special K53 licence to figure out where and in which lane to drive.

A road marking arrow near the Gelvan Spar in the left lane towards the Helenvale area guides you onto the pavement. The yellow markings, for example, for right turning are so incorrect that it is always erased.

You really need to be a genius in driving to understand these road markings. Where are these project managers who I suppose are all engineers?

Reginald Saptoe, Port Elizabeth

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