IT is most unfortunate that the Sunridge Park tip is at present being upgraded and opened again. The entrance is at a dangerous point from a road safety aspect and will once again contribute to even more traffic congestion which at peak times stretches as far back along Kragga Kamma Road as the freeway off-ramp.

This traffic congestion, which could easily be lessened at comparatively little cost, is an issue which has not been addressed by the local councillor or municipality. It is difficult to comprehend why permission was originally ever given for any entrance at this point, off what I understand is a provincial road.

The cost of this upgrade could have been better utilised on more important projects in poorer communities in the northern suburbs, like illegal dumping, etc, which was shown during a Focus programme on SABC2. It is interesting that prior to the elections the DA focused its voter recruiting campaign on these very same northern areas.

The cost of this Sunridge Park tip upgrade seems unusually high when compared with the upgrade of other tips in Port Elizabeth and other cities. Taking between five and six months to finish the upgrade is also another questionable aspect.

Fred Rogers, Port Elizabeth

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