I AM also concerned about the criminals in the police force. What kind of role models are they – with jail sentences for theft, fraud, murder and rape plus many more offences?

If I had to walk out of a shop with goods, get caught and my excuse is "I forgot", they would charge me, lock me up and I would lose my job. Is it because this policewoman wears a SAP uniform that she keeps her job? How dishonourable to that uniform?

What utter rubbish that our police force has to stoop so low. The sad part about this is that the honest, loyal, law-abiding police have to work among them. They all get put into the same category. I think that is unfair.

Exactly the same as those in government, there are those who take their jobs seriously and those who just abuse their jobs. Eish! Where is this country heading ? All into the toilet.

What a shame that those criminals have ruined it for everyone.

As far as obese SAPS members go, how do they pass the fitness tests? They can't even walk, never mind run.

Pride and respect have just disappeared out of the vocabulary.

Very sad and disgusting.

These criminals should be treated without respect, but get to keep their jobs and turn around and laugh at the system, set free to do it over again.

Totally disgusted, Port Elizabeth

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