AMERICA and Japan are suffering under metres of snow, there are thousands of people without electricity, and old people are dying in droves.

In California, the farmlands needed to feed America have been turned into dry dust. A recent report from Pennsylvania is that "Charon" has just caused a major gas explosion while fracking for gas and oil. And yet countries like South Africa still consider fracking. This will be the end of drinking water in the karoo, and death to fauna and flora.

In Indonesia, they are killing the orangutans and are also turning them into prostitutes, and nobody is working towards ending this disgusting and cruel act. First they cut down the trees in Indonesia and then the beautiful apes have nowhere to go.

Japan has been doubly punished for butchering dolphins by the thousands – a blood bath of horror.

So they must not be surprised that the atomic explosion has given cancer to thousands of Japanese people – and now they are frozen under metres of snow.

Iraqis are killing each other, as they have been doing for centuries, and Russia is supplying factions in the Middle East and Africa with guns and weapons to kill each other.

Now look at Kiev. The people will not stop protesting and it is entirely Putin's doing. He is having a lovely time watching the people in Kiev killing each other.

Ralph Krall Aberdeen, Karoo

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