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The Herald has seen its fair share of change in almost 175 years.

But our name – while important with its rich history – has never been as imperative as delivering the content you want.

Being a source of news and information you can trust – and one that gives you a voice.

That is something we take very seriously and which we constantly seek to improve upon.

That evolution at Newspaper House will break new ground from tomorrow when an all-new look for our titles hits the streets and is delivered to your homes.

Both The Herald and Weekend Post have been given a fresh makeover – nothing too radical, but a nip and tuck we hope you will like and embrace just as we have.

It’s all part and parcel of ensuring our print editions and digital offerings – working in tandem – provide you with the best possible one-stop point for breaking news and quality journalism.

No matter which format you choose, no matter when.

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We’re keeping pace with new technologies and the ever-changing world of multimedia platforms while retaining our tried and tested methods of news gathering which have made us who we are today.

Our website has also undergone a redesign and there is more ahead, while on social media our footprint is growing rapidly as we open up new avenues for our stories to reach our dedicated audience.

Like anything new, it will take some getting used to.

However, there may be some things you don’t fancy at all. Or a few that you absolutely love.

Either way, we would like to know and so we’re inviting you to send your thoughts to us using the e-mail address: feedback@heraldlive.co.za

We can’t wait for the future – and we want you, our loyal readers, right there along with us all the way.

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