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IF there is one thing Genevieve Hendricks believes, it is that every disabled child in Nelson Mandela Bay deserves a fighting chance.

From finding an eight-year-old boy with cerebral palsy in Bloemendal tucked in a 25-litre paint tin, to having started a stimulation centre for children with disabilities and special needs free of charge, she has done miracles in the lives of many families in the northern areas.

This ex-nurse, psychologist and cerebral palsy facilitator wakes up every day to mobilise the children in her care. Since she started her stimulation centre, Miracle Kids, in 2008, she has seen children who doctors said would never speak, walk or function in mainstream schools, get up from their wheelchairs and swap their nappies for school uniforms.

 - Alvené du Plessis

DO you have a similar story? How are you inspiring Port Elizabeth?

Perhaps you are helping a neighbour, paying a child other than your own’s way through school or taking care of someone in your community.

We want to hear, and tell, your inspiring stories. E-mail kimberleym@timesmedia.co.za or send them to us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by posting or tweeting your stories and pictures with the hashtag, #Inspiremandelabay

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