A WITNESS on the night Brent Cunningham allegedly assaulted his ex-girlfriend, Shireen Ballan, testified in court at St Albans Prison yesterday that he had been left "dazed and concussed" after trying to intervene.

Albert Erasmus and his fiancée Chantel Burger were with Ballan in the early hours of December 27 2012 when Cunningham allegedly assaulted her. Erasmus said they gave Ballan a lift home from his sister's wedding in the Kragga Kamma area because she was too intoxicated to drive. He himself did not drink anything that night due to a kidney-related illness. At times during his testimony yesterday he was visibly in discomfort due to the same condition.

Burger gave Ballan a lift in her car, with Erasmus following them in Ballan's car. At the housing complex where she was staying in Morningside, Cunningham followed them through the gate and – according to Erasmus, who had never met him before – sped past him and forced him to stop his vehicle.

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