THE Kouga probably boasts more intellectuals per capita than any other comparable region.
There are many retired bankers, businessmen, engineers, lawyers, CFOs, CEOs, accountants, middle and upper managers, school principals, journalists, economists, newspaper editors, doctors and all other highly sought- after professionals who reside in the area.
Then there are the creative beings. The accomplished artists, the well-published authors, the poets and the dreamers. Add to this a good dollop of renowned athletes – past and present – and you get a phenomenal mix of people who probably were all over-achievers in the previous generation.
Most of them had chosen way back that this area is where they would like to spend their golden years. One could bargain on a good, clean lifestyle, a town with more than ample local services and if need be, it was close enough to a city (Port Elizabeth). However, with expansion came the mall and other amenities so Port Elizabeth is no longer a must. The area has always been relatively safe, so all in all it must have seemed like a bit of paradise.
For many years Jeffreys Bay bore the label of the fastest-growing and most economically-viable town in South Africa.
With all this brain power, knowledge and years of experience in its midst, it is difficult to understand why the council that serves this area, is what it is.
How did the council go from a well -managed and solvent institution to one that has no funds, ducks and dives all service-delivery issues, and yet refuses to accept any assistance?
Many of the retired folk (read intelligent people who were forced out of high positions because they were the previous advantaged) have offered their expertise to the powers that be but have been turned down.
Could it be President Jacob Zuma's mentality has filtered down to the Kouga? His comment that the economy is still in the hands of far too many white men has sparked debate around the country with arguments on both sides.
Surely the bottom line should not be who is ruling what, but should rather be who can learn from whom? In any normal society the people with experience are not shunned. They are embraced and their knowledge tapped and their know-how used for the general good.
The Kouga council will do well not to spurn the offer of the very people who can help save the beautiful area. Concerned people who are prepared to share their knowledge and expertise at no cost to council, or the ratepayers.
Now is the time.
– Cindy Liebenberg.
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