Liam May

SARAH Booysen, a member of Seringa Association for the aged, received a new wheelchair on behalf of her daughter, Samantha, from interim chairman Neville Adriaan on June 13.

Samantha, 30, is physically challenged and therefore unable to live a regular lifestyle.

She is fully dependent on her mother for her wellbeing.

"Sarah is very committed to our association and she is always punctual despite having to take Samantha with her everywhere," retired teacher and Arcadia Senior Club treasurer Moreen Draai, said.

Samantha has always been at her mother's side and has been using a timeworn wheelchair given to her by someone. The Arcadia Senior Club members have grown fond of Samantha.

They make provision for her to be around when her mother attends their gatherings.

The Arcadia Senior Club falls under the Seringa Association. The criteria for joining a club of this nature are to be over the age of 60 and to have a desire to keep active in society.

"Many activities take place at our facility which helps to keep our elder citizens productive and actively busy, giving them a renewed lease for life," Seringa project coordinator Lindi Johnson said.

Seringa Association measures its success by how far it has gone beyond the call of duty in enriching senior citizens' lives.

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