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Not sure what to buy your friends for Christmas?

Jade Khoury of Low Impact Living has many nifty ideas when it comes to gifting and one of them is a home-made completely natural body scrub .

Cape Town-based Khoury runs workshops and camps that show you how to live a green life and last month held a DIY workshop on how to have a “waste-free Christmas”. One of the items she showed delegates how to make was her blissful body scrub.

After all, you can’t get more local than what you can make in your own home, and today Jade shares the recipe for her luxurious African Goddess body scrub:

As a mother and kindergarten teacher, her time and budget are limited but she finds this is a simple recipe that is enjoyed by most recipients.

African Goddess body scrub

1 cup of coffee grinds 1 cup of organic coconut oil 2 tablespoons of honey 2 tablespoons of sweet almond oil Essential oils of your choice (Jade uses cinnamon and rose oil) A pretty jar (preferably one you are re-using)

Melt the coconut oil gently in a pot over a very low heat. When it is liquid, stir in all other ingredients except the essential oils.

Mix well, then add the essential oil and mix again. Scoop into the jar.

Apply as you would a regular shop-bought body scrub.

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