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This week JustEllaBella Eleanor Douglas-Meyers teaches parents how to make a kiddies Christmas tree

When my son Aidan was little, we could not keep him away from the Christmas tree.

It’s like catnip for kids. He had just turned seven months when his first Christmas rolled around and we did not want to cut him out of the festivities.

Instead, I made him his very own tree.

I stayed away from traditional Christmas colours, so that the tree could easily fit in with room décor after we could no longer hear the jingle bells.

There are no loose attachments making it safe for babies, and if you gift it with fun stickers it’s great for a toddler to decorate.

(I only had letter stickers available for my son to try it out with, but sparkly ones would be awesome). What I need: Green material – I went with a whimsical leaf pattern (you can go all out Christmas if you like);

Felt in the colour of your choice;

Embroidery cotton to match felt;

Teddy stuffing;



Pencil; What to do 1. Use your paper to plot out the design you want for your tree. I went for something very basic, which my little boy now refers to as a triangle tree.

2. Cut out your shape (you will need two pieces of green material and a long rectangle of felt) then draw a little face on your material.

3. Use your favourite stitch and embroidery cotton to trace the little face you drew.

4. Turn your two pieces of material facing each other and pin together.

5. Pin the felt where you want the base of tree, but do not sew it, this is just to remind you of the space needed for the base.

6. Sew the two pieces together leaving an opening where you pinned the felt and a smaller opening on the side (two openings).

7. See I’m pointing to the openings in the picture (yes that is my dressing gown, I’m super glam as you can tell)

8. Now sew the sides of your felt leaving the top open, creating a little pouch.

9. Turn the felt pouch right side out and fill with teddy stuffing.

10. Now take your little stuffed felt pouch and stick it inside the tree (which is still the wrong way around at this point) and sew it together, closing the opening.

11. Turn the tree inside out and fill the triangle part with teddy stuffing. 12. Sew the little opening closed.

There you have your little tree, ready to be cuddled by a baby or have foam stickers stuck on my and older child.

  • See more from this crafty Uitenhage mum on DIY, parenting, natural hair care, fashion, food and fun on her blog
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