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We parents do get irritated with things that really are not important, says Eleanor Douglas-Meyers today in her column for The Herald

What are inconsequential parenting annoyances you ask?

Well, as parents, we have very real worries, real serious life or death struggles. Then there are things we get annoyed by that in the bigger picture are pretty laughable.

I thought I’d share my parenting annoyances in the hopes that you will then share yours and I will seem less insane.

1. I’m annoyed that my kid has to mix all his playdough colours together, it irks me to no end. Whhyyyyy must playdough come in grosse-grey and blue- brown in this house? Why can’t we make pretty creations and post it to instagram #mykidmadethis?

2. Why must puzzle pieces always go missing and then turn up after you got rid of the set. Why have you forsaken me puzzle-Gods, whyyyy?

3. I’m annoyed that my son doesn’t eat a great variety of foods. I had such big dreams of making beautiful bento boxes but no, this Provita and cream cheese loving kid is leaving my cutters unused. There is no pretty way to present his beige lunch and that is annoying.

4. He wants to dress himself in the same clothes day in and day out. I mean how is my kid ever going to be #outfitgoals if he insists on wearing the same thing for days and pairing Wellington boots with everything from pajamas to swimwear?

5. Another strange parenting annoyance is that he insists on playing with his toys. The cute things that pull his room together, the stuff I specifically bought because it matches his room, but of course he has to play with it messing with my aesthetic.

6. I’m kinda annoyed that I have to watch so much Disney Junior and YouTube playdough videos that I have been known to hum the theme songs in general life, in front of grown folk.

Yes, I realise that these parenting annoyances are inconsequential, ridiculous even, but hey I’m only human, a human who sort of wanted a curated Instagram feed but ended up with carpets full of lego, faces full of chocolate and hair full of tangles.

But hey, I also got hearts full of love so I’m not too bummed.

So come on, ’fess up, what is your inconsequential annoyance?

Eleanor Douglas-Meyers is a crafty mom from Uitenhage who writes about DIY, parenting, natural hair care, fashion, food and fun on her blog

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