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[caption id="attachment_93052" align="alignright" width="300"] BARREL OF LAUGHS: Comedian Ntosh Madlingozi shared a pizza, inset, at Salt restaurant in Richmond Hill[/caption]

WHEN people make it big in Johannesburg, some never return to where it all started but Kwazakhele-born comedian Ntosh Madlingozi plans on bringing comedy to the streets of the Windy City.

Known for his sting on the SABC 1 show So You Think You’re Funny, Madlingozi hopes to make the Bay laugh every month through his company SSL Entertainment.

Although Madlingozi might be a household name now within comedy circles, he shared how happy he was when he first landed a paying gig as a comedian.

“I was in Jo’burg, with Eugene Khoza, Trevor Gumbi and Trevor Noah. We each got R50 and it was the best day of my life,” the former Muir College pupil said.

Madlingozi sat down with La Femme over a meal at Salt in Stanley street. He enjoyed a pizza with bacon, ham, salami, onion and mozzarella and shared a few home truths.

I picked Salt because. . . Next to Zorba’s, Salt is my favourite restaurant here in Stanley Street. The place is unassuming, friendly and simple.

I’ll know I’ve made it when. . . I’ll never really make it because success is a continuous journey.

I love being a comedian because. . . I took an au naturel ability and turned it into writing my own cheques rather than having someone tell me my worth.

The person who has taught me the most is. . . My mother. She basically raised two children after my father passed away.

I have a soft spot for. . . Sweet women. There’s nothing nicer than sweet women and you can tell them apart from the not-so-nice ones.

I’d love to party with. . . Ché Guevara, D’ Angelo and Hugh Masekela. I’m listening to. . . D’ Angelo’s

Black Messiah album and Eastern Cape born musician Nathi.

When I was 16, I wish I knew. . . That comedy could be a career.

My music weakness is. . . J Dilla and Miles Davis.

Nothing makes me happier than. . . Laughter, friends and travelling.

My favourite item of clothing is. . . My Miles Davis T-shirts.

I absolutely hate. . . Ignorance.

I am saving to buy. . . Everything.

I share my life with. . . Everyone around me.

I can’t go a day without. . . Thinking of a new gag and laughing.

My favourite places in the metro are. . . Stanley Street, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Art Museum, the Opera House, Atheneum and Crossways Farm Village. -Nomazima Nkosi

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