SNORING: it is the nightmare many couples endure evening after evening, with many resorting to bizarre contraptions and expensive medications. However, before you take drastic measures, there are a few preliminary steps to take if your partner snores like a rhino while sleeping.

Evaluating how and when you snore will help you pinpoint whether the cause of your snoring is within your control or not.

For example, older people snore more than younger folks because as you reach middle age and beyond, the throat becomes narrower, and throat muscle tone decreases. And, yes, men do snore more than women, because they have narrower air passages than women.

Here are tips to help you get more sleep:

  • Roll your partner onto their side – people tend to snore less in this position. The worst position is to lie on your back. To avoid this, try the tennis ball trick – sew a tennis ball into the centre of the back of your pyjamas.
  • Gently nudge your partner if he or she is already sleeping on their side.
  • Place tissues next to your partner's bed so they can blow their nose before going to sleep. Blocked airways can cause snoring.
  • Invest in a good humidifier to combat dry air in the bedroom. Add a few drops of essential oils to create a healthy aroma.
  • Avoid drinking alcohol or caffeine, or having a cigarette before going to sleep.
  • Start exercising – carrying extra weight can cause snoring.
  • Wear earplugs. If the snoring of your partner is due to a medical condition, then invest in a good pair of earplugs for yourself.
  • The correct pillow will keep the snorer's neck in the correct position, so that there is no pressure on the windpipe.
  • Sleep posture is important. It can be a good idea to invest in a pressure-relieving mattress and pillow to ensure your body is in the right position.
  • Adjustable beds sometimes help, as raising the head slightly can help alleviate snoring.
Not all snores are created equal – snoring may signal other health issues. Rule them out by getting your partner to a doctor for a check-up.

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