Letter: No thanks to traffic patrol car

ON Saturday morning February 19, I set off on the Seaview road to do my voluntary duty at the Lake Farm coffee shop. I took a wrong turn and realised that the road did not look familiar.

I continued slowly for some time, unsure of what to do, when to my delight I saw a traffic patrol vehicle approaching slowly towards me. I stopped, switched on my hazard lights and stepped into the road and waved at the approaching vehicle.

To my utter dismay, the driver drove past me without stopping. It would appear that both the vehicle with flashing hazard lights and an obviously female senior citizen standing alone in the road had become instantly invisible!

Fortunately, a vehicle with two women inside pulled up behind me and reassured me that I would soon meet up with the correct turnoff. Thank you for having the grace to stop.

I reached the farm in time for my duty, but no thanks to the occupants of the patrol vehicle!
