Letter: Don’t leave protest to northern areas

WITH the closure of schools in the northern areas entering its third week, it is a little strange that only one group of parents seems to be involved in this protest action. It is vital that all parents of all children at these schools take ownership of this very important issue.

It is a fact that the schools in these areas serve pupils and parents from all over the city, not just the northern areas. The problems affecting our schools are also not just limited to the northern areas.

It is a national catastrophe! All parents of children at these schools, and also from other schools in our city, should become more involved in this very crucial fight for these children's future.

When more parents, especially those from other areas, become involved, this thing will get to a resolution more quickly. Make your voices heard! Attend the meetings!

Write letters! Speak to your ward councillors! Do something to show the government your unhappiness!

Where are the businesses in this city? These parents are your customers and employees.

These children are your future customers and prospective employees. This does affect you too!

Why so quiet? You are also stakeholders in this mess, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

More voices means more pressure means a faster resolution of the problem!
