Home Affairs office a shambles

ON TUESDAY I went to Home Affairs at 1.45pm.

I am 66 and the two women I took along were in their 80s and 70s. We were told that there were no more registrations to be taken as the queue was full for the day.

I tried to speak to the manager who happened to be in the toilet. The lady who told me this had already been to Home Affairs four times. She added that she had been waiting outside his office for half an hour.

I had been led to believe that the first options were to be given to the elderly and in the month of their birth.

This does not seem to be the case. I tried to contact the minister of home affairs only to be told he was not available.

Who does one believe?

The media or officials at Home Affairs? To my mind the system there was a shambles. On the internet it said 70 offices were ready. Ready for what?

Glenn Schentke, Port Elizabeth
