Metro's priorities messed up

WOW, so awesome to see that the metro's priorities are so messed with the introduction of an "international film festival", mayor Ben Fihla golf day and mayor Ben Fihla gala dinner.

Not only is it absolutely disgusting that the metro is wasting R6.5-million in cash just prior to Christmas, but the fact that a non-performing mayor is elevated to such a high status, at the same time as the anniversary of Madiba's death, disgusts me even more.

The biggest slap in the face and sign of how the metro and the ruling ANC have their morals and priorities so off course is that so many charities and old age homes battle to feed the people that they support and that so many people starve over this "ANC festive" season.

To the mayor, the ANC, the metro and its chief spokesman, Roland Williams, should you not rather be prioritising more crucial events such as a bigger and better Splash or Christmas beach programme first? Most importantly, how many of the poor, aged and destitute could rather be fed over the Christmas/ Easter seasons with R6.5-million, instead of our taxpayer money being wasted on a silly film festival or dinner for a bunch of ruling party fat cats?

I cannot wait to see who will win the tenders to run the "festival", "dinner" and "golf day".

Incidentally, we know that the mayor is old. However events such as this are usually reserved for when great people such as Madiba, OR Tambo, Walter Sisulu and Steve Biko have passed away.

Ed Gutsche, Port Elizabeth
