Many everyday products, services originate in Israel

THE following is an extract from a letter written by the CEO of Dis-Chem in response to a consumer who threatened to boycott the shop:

So far as your stated intention of boycotting Dis-Chem goes, that is obviously your decision. After all, we do live in a free country.

However, if it is your intention to boycott Israeli products, you need to be consistent if your gesture is to have any meaning.

I hope you don't use an intel chip in your computer, with which you probably wrote your e-mail, because it was invented in Israel.

I hope that you stay in good health because if you need preventative surgery against a heart attack, you will have to boycott the procedure because the stent was invented in Israel.

Likewise, I hope you are never prescribed any patch for diabetes, to deliver medication and other drugs. If you are an asthmatic you may have to use a new type of inhaler (Spin) invented in Israel.

So please check. Israel has given the world the system of drip irrigation which is being widely adopted in South Africa, with water shortages like many countries. [So you should] boycott all fruit and vegetables grown by this method. The list of what Israel has given the world is very lengthy. Check very carefully what you boycott.

You may not have noticed the crisis in the Arab world, the "Arab Spring", which now is in winter with no end in sight. To the best of my knowledge this over human rights – but then I have an HD TV which you are probably boycotting.

The cheapness of life in Somalia and Sudan is perpetrated by people to whom you are strongly affiliated.

You obviously don't know that the racism of Hitler differs very little to Israel's enemies.

Both want the destruction of the Jewish people.

I believe I had to answer your "complaint".

I will continue to sell Dead Sea products from Israel. You know, the Dead Sea has two shores. I wonder why the Jordanians or Palestinians (most come from Jordan) do not want to share this wonderful natural resource of the Dead Sea?

I will not respond to any further correspondence on your subject.

 Ivan Saltzman, chief executive officer, Dis-Chem
