Mother Teresa to be made Catholic saint

Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the nun who dedicated her life to helping the poor, will be made a saint of the Roman Catholic Church at a ceremony on Sept. 4, Pope Francis said.

Francis made the announcement at a meeting of cardinals to give the final approval to several sainthood causes.

Last December, he cleared the way for sainthood for the Nobel peace laureate, who died in 1997 at the age of 87.

More than 300,000 pilgrims came to Rome in 2003 for Teresa's beatification -- the first step towards sainthood.

Known across the world, Teresa was awarded the Nobel for her work with the poor, sick, old and lonely in the slums of the Calcutta, one of India's biggest cities, now known as Kolkata.

She is revered by many Catholics but has also been attacked as a "religious imperialist" who attempted to foist her beliefs on a community in which they had no indigenous roots.
