Dad comes to look after injured boy

The biological father of the boy who fell from the fourth floor of the nurses’ home at Dora Nginza Hospital has come forward to look after his 14-year-old son.

This after discovering through media reports that his son was in hospital.

Last month, Luvuyo Pakana, 14, was admitted to Livingstone Hospital after he fell from the fourth-floor balcony of the nurses’ home at Dora Nginza Hospital.

At the time, he had been trying to catch pigeons to eat.

Social worker Pamela Rubushe said yesterday that Pakana had been moved to the surgical ward at the hospital.

She said his biological father, Mandla Duniwa, had come forward after he was alerted by The Herald, SABC news and Umhlobo Wenene that his son had been in a terrible accident.

“He is now spending time with his son. The father’s sister, Nomawabo, will also help to look after Lonwabo,” Rubushe said.

She said Lonwabo’s mother, Nomonde Pakana, was working in Cape Town on a wine farm.
