VIDEO: ‘Danny’s Song’ back in limelight

HE is not one to make a song and dance of things, but the popularity of Nelson Mandela Bay’s business-like mayor Danny Jordaan hit an unusually high note this week.

That was when a musical ode to the national soccer boss suddenly resurfaced on social media.

The rather novel story behind Danny’s Song – which was produced overnight in 2010 – emerged after municipal spokesman Kupido Baron recently rediscovered the tune.

And not one to miss a beat – particularly in the run-up to the local government elections – Baron posted the moving melody.

It was created by well-known Uitenhage artist Patrick “Tururu” Lindoor in concert with equally well-known Eastern Cape politician Christian Martin on Facebook.

By close of business on Tuesday, it was clear the song had struck the right chord, with the video clip having already attracted more than 300 views.

Jam-packed with ironies, the story of Danny’s Song began when Jordaan, widely credited with bringing the Fifa World Cup to South Africa, headed the Local Organising Committee for the 2010 tournament.

With public viewing areas situated mostly near the city centre and out of reach for many northern areas residents, Martin and Lindoor, among others, set about establishing their own improvised viewing area in Bethelsdorp “near to where Danny grew up”.

Delighted when Jordaan agreed to add that one to the list of viewing areas and fan parks he was to visit during the tournament, Lindoor – assisted by Martin with the lyrics and backing vocals – set about creating the song to “celebrate Jordaan”.

Lindoor, delighted at the renewed exposure the ode is receiving, said: “There was this old tannie [auntie] who said of Dr Jordaan, ‘I just love this man’.

“With this inspiration, we went into the studio and composed the song overnight.” And it was a great hit. Lindoor said: “Never in my wildest dreams did I think that he [Jordaan] would go on to be the mayor of this metro – maybe very high up in sport, but never mayor.”

Lindoor, a prolific singer and musician with more than 30 years in the industry, performed the national anthem of Trinidad and Tobago ahead of their soccer match against South Africa in Port Elizabeth in 2004.

Martin, who is better known as a Khoisan activist and member of the provincial legislature, was less vocal about his singing talents and more vocal about Jordaan’s achievements.

“Because I knew Mr Jordaan, I helped with the lyrics and some of the background vocals,” Martin said.

“The song was a celebration of what he did for soccer in this country.”

On why he had posted the song on his Facebook page, Baron said it showed that there was no shortage of talent in the Bay.

“The song is still relevant today,” he said.

“And with so much negativity in the country these days, this song reminds us of the great achievements of our leaders.”

Meanwhile, the ANC said yesterday supporters would be wowed by its new election song, to be revealed at the party’s election manifesto launch in Port Elizabeth this weekend.

Campaign head Nomvula Mokonyane said the party had commissioned some of the country’s most prominent artists to perform the song, which dealt with current affairs.

“But keep guessing – maybe it’s someone who won a SAMA award,” Mokonyane said.
