Facebook to get a dislike button

Facebook users will soon be able to use the long-demanded dislike button after the social network revealed it is working on such a feature.

“People have asked about the dislike button for many years. We’ve finally heard you and we’re working on this and we will deliver something that meets the needs of the larger community," Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said yesterday.

According to Zuckerberg the dislike button won't however be a way to downvote posts.

"We didn't want to just build a dislike button because we don't want to turn Facebook into a forum where people are voting up or down on people's posts. That doesn't seem like the kind of community we want to create. People aren't looking for the ability to downvote people's posts, what they really want is to be able to express empathy,"  Zuckerberg explained.

"A lot of times people share things on Facebook that are sad moments in their lives. Often people tell us that they don't feel comfortable pressing 'like' because 'like' isn't the appropriate sentiment.

- The Herald
