Taxi drivers to take part in IPTS-related skills survey

NELSON Mandela Bay taxi drivers are being asked to take part in a widespread skills audit and social and economic impact study to prepare them for transition to the Integrated Public Transport System (IPTS).

The survey, conducted by the industry's representative body, Laphum'ilanga, would act as a catalyst for further development, chief executive Gregory Rockman said.

Other people linked to the industry – including taxi owners and guardtjies – are also asked to take part.

"Most of the people in the taxi industry are there because they didn't get other jobs. These are individuals with matric certificates, some with engineer training, artisans and so on. By [compiling a] list of qualifications we can act as a catalyst for future development of these skills and guide them in the [right] direction," Rockman said.

"The agreement to implement the IPTS involved no loss of jobs or profit, which is why we are doing the skills survey. [When we have] the data we will be able to update our records [and] see what needs to be done to get to where we want to be."

The body will need information, including original identity documents, driver's licences and proof of address. The information can be delivered to several centres around the Bay until next Thursday. - Tremaine van Aardt

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