Call for teacher appointments

TODAY fed-up principals at schools in Port Elizabeth's northern areas, crippled by teacher shortages, are set to hand over a memorandum highlighting their grievances to education district director Dr Nyathi Ntsiko.

Frustration is building at three quarters of the primary and high schools in the impoverished northern areas as classrooms, some with up to 90 pupils, are overcrowded and without teachers.

With three schools – Astra, Missionvale and Sanctor Primary – already having locked their gates in the past week, more are threatening to follow suit.

Schools have in recent years coughed up their own resources to pay temporary teachers as they wait for the Education Department to appoint teachers in their vacant substantive posts.

The number of teachers needed to fill the vacant posts at schools in the northern areas is estimated at a shameful 350.

Heading the call for the appointment of teachers, Northern Areas School Governing Body Forum chairman Andrew Sauls said: "The sad part is that exactly two years ago the department was ordered by the court to fill these vacant posts.

"They are not only in contempt of a court order, but are blatantly infringing on the rights of children deserving quality education." - Alvené du Plessis

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