Bhisho legislature workers invade MPLs' posh dining hall

HUNDREDS of workers at the Bhisho legislature invaded the upmarket dining hall used by MPLs and legislature senior administrators yesterday.

They demanded an upgrade of their dining hall and the same meals, furniture and utensils as their bosses enjoy.

Union leader Branton Jonas said the workers were sick and tired of having their meals at a "ghost house park home dining hall" with only one table and three chairs. Decent cutlery was so rare workers fought over it, he said. This was in contrast to the dining hall used by MPLs and administration bosses, who were served on imported plates and used silver cutlery.

More than 200 employees enjoy their meals on paper plates, using plastic cutlery. Jonas said the union had written a memorandum to management complaining about the general condition of their hall, but had received no feedback. - Asanda Nini

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