Rooibos tea helps conquer kilos

“Drinking Rooibos tea instead of a regular 35+ calorie cup of coffee [enjoyed with milk and a spoonful of sugar] or a 100+ calorie carbonated drink will automatically reduce your calorie intake, which should put you well on your way to losing centimetres,” Du Toit said. How to brew the perfect cup The Rooibos Tea Council explains how to make the perfect cup of tea:

  • To make a really good cup of rooibos, use freshly boiled water. This ensures you get the best infusion or extraction from the dried leaves;
  • You need to allow time for the leaves to infuse and open, releasing their fragrance and flavour;
  • If using loose-leaf tea, the rule of thumb is one to two teaspoons per cup for two to four minutes, depending on the strength you like. If you prefer tea bags, work on one per cup;
  • Do not pour boiling water directly on the tea leaves as this will destroy the antioxidants; and
  • A longer extraction time will result in stronger tea. Once it is poured, enjoy immediately.
-Estelle Ellis
