Learn how to turn your story into a film

Aspirant and new script writers in Port Elizabeth and surrounds are being given the opportunity to hone their skills with a script writing workshop offered at the end of this month at Galerie Noko in Russell Road.

One Blood Sounds will be hosting the first workshop on Saturday, September 30, under the auspices of the National Film Video Foundation Programme.

The idea is to craft story ideas into working scripts which will appeal to producers and programme makers.

Johannesburg script editor Mokopi Shale will host the first workshop.

“Her workshop will help anyone who has a story to tell to transform their ideas and vision into a bankable script,” says Nomakhomazi Dewavrin of One Blood Sounds. “Humour is what we are looking for.”

Shale began her career in the media industry as a radio drama actress and later worked as a television presenter, researcher and script writer before becoming an associate producer.

She was responsible for managing such projects as Entabeni and Ubizo as a commissioning editor and worked for a spell as a story-liner on South Africa’s most watched soap opera Generations.

During this time she also wrote and published three popular fiction romance novels for Sapphire Press. She now works as a freelance writer and script editor, and runs her own production company Fuze Films.

The workshops will teach aspirant writers how to turn their story into a film script, and how this should then be packaged.

At the end of the workshops One Blood Sounds will choose the best script and this will be made into a short film.

Scriptwriters wanting to attend the free workshop should submit a five-page script depicting a scene which would typically take place in Port Elizabeth.

E-mail One Blood Sounds a sample of your story to before Monday, September 18.

Further information from Dewavrin, 078-964-8908.
